Monday, November 2, 2009

Hushed Voices

(Kristallnacht, 2009)

Hushed tales
of ovens, line-ups pushed in,
darkness, where the heart-beat fails.
Selection now Satanic gesture; all these lessons
numbly nailed across the hearth, these cold confessions,
served as love and food regale our picnic
line-up, line-ups pushed in, tales
of ovens, coven tales.

© Copyright 2009 by Cary Kamarat . All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

makes my heart heavy but also grateful that those days are over.

beautiful, cary. hope, you were not talking about yourself (you are too young for that, aren't you).


Cary Kamarat said...

Thank God I was born after that generation...but Jewish and Catholic friends of my mother's were Holocaust survivors, and my mother lost most of her family. Having grown up with that kind of awareness has made me realize how important it is to control the Haters among us...because it doesn't matter whether it's the Holocaust or Darfur or the Congo or Bosnia or Armenians in the Ottoman Empire....if we cannot control those responsible for inflicting so much pain upon the innocent, not only will the victims suffer, but after those crimes are committed generations of children will be hearing stories that no children should ever have to hear. ck